Avlona Synod USA

A Mission of the Holy Metropolitan Synod of Genuine Orthodox Christians (ΓOX) of the Patristic Calendar

The Avlona Synod’s North American Mission exists to serve the Genuine Orthodox faithful in North America. We serve both English and Spanish speaking communities in the eastern rite, a form of worship that dates back to the 4th Century. We invite you to explore the True Orthodox Faith and contact us if we can assist you in any manner.

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On the Sunday of Orthodoxy, a hierarchical liturgy was celebrated at Holy Annunciation Orthodox Church. Along with Fr. Agathon and Dcn. Gerasimos, Fr. Antonios and his family joined in the service. Following the Divine Liturgy a procession around the Church …


At the November 2021 meeting of the Holy Synod, at the proposal of Met. Cherubim, the Diocese of Illyricum was established as an Archdiocese, and Bp. Irineos of Illyricum was elevated to the position of Archbishop and entrusted with the …


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