Tag Archives: mission
On January 29, 2018 (OS), Bishop Irineos tonsured Simon Casey to the office of Reader and assigned him to the St. Simon’s Island Mission. Reader Simon is charged to act as the warden of the mission and to establish regular …
Bishop Irineos will again visit the mission on St. Simons Island, Georgia to serve Vespers and Liturgy. The services will be held on February 10 and 11. Details will be posted shortly.

Fr. Irineos will be traveling to St. Simons Island on August 26 and 27 to serve Vespers and Divine Liturgy. We invite both Orthodox and non-Orthodox Christians who seek the unchanging Church, free from modernism and compromise. Join us for …
On the Feast of the Synaxis of the Holy Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist John, Archimandrite Irineos traveled to St. Simon’s Island, Georgia and baptized two new servants of God, Simon and Sava for the North American Mission. The following morning, …
Metropolitan Chrysostomos has blessed the establishment of the first mission community in North America. Located in Liberty Hill, Texas, a suburb of Austin, the mission will seek to evangelize non-Orthodox in this largely evangelical Protestant area, while also serving as …